On third Thursday of the month our church sponsors a Senior Lunch for up to about 250 seniors. Some are members of our church, others are from assisted living facilities, other churches, and friends of someone attending.
Laurie and Scott organize and run the lunch. There are about 15 volunteers who come to help in many areas : table setting and decorating, preparing the meal, serving food, dishes, and greeters. It is fun to work with everyone and see how happy the seniors are with the meals.
Serving tables almost ready
Waiting for their table number to be called
Lunch is served |
I was asked to sub for the regular emcee last winter - I was a little nervous about it I will admit. The person I filled in for is no longer able to do it so I am doing it monthly. I will say that I am really enjoying it. I have asked to do a couple of new things - acknowledge birthdays and anniversaries, and ask questions to get them to interact a little more. This past month I used a roaming mic and it was so much fun. I walked around to each person with a birthday or anniversary - there were seniors who were turning 98 and 87 ! I also found a couple that had been married 63 years! How awesome is that in this day and age? The seniors also had to answer the question - What are you thankful for this year? It was so neat to hear their responses ranging from family, health, our lunch to Jesus their Savior. Another new thing we are doing is cheering when I call their table number. I take in a small treat in bags for the loudest most energetic table. They are doing a great job at this.
Now to the meals - they are not the sandwich and soup type of meals. Laurie does an awesome job of providing a great meal each time. This last month it was turkey, potatoes, a waldorf salad and a pumpkin pie dessert. Next month is beef tenderloin with the fixings. She has had some chef's come in and cook a specialty as well. They get the meal and a concert after for $8 when they sign up at the lunch. It's $10 online or at the door.
The entertainment is high quality as well. They have groups that's are professional come for the entertainment. In December our Worship Pastor does a Christmas performance.
All in all the day is spent serving seniors and I love to see them chatting with friends and having a good time.
Sounds like you're doing a great job as emcee, Nanette. Enjoy!