Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
This past year has brought changes and challenges in my life that have kept me from blogging as I would like to. However, I will be back in a couple weeks.
Enjoy your time with your families during this Christmas Season!
See ya soon!
Sunday, December 20, 2015
Monday, May 4, 2015
Whole and Hearty Freezer Meal Collection Workshop
Tonight I had a couple of ladies over for a Freezer Meal Workshop through Tastefully Simple. They made 10 meals for the freezer. This time we did the Wholesome and Hearty Collection.
Baked Chicken Chimichangas
Grilled Flank Steak with Pineapple Salsa
Honey Balsamic Pork Roast
Honey Teriyaki Vegetable Stir Fry
Quinoa Bean Burritos
Hummus Crusted Chicken
Smokin Chipolte Burgers
Stuffed Apricot Pork Tenderloin
Sweet & Sassy Shrimp
Sweet Mustard Bacon Burger
These were wrapped individually and then put in a freezer bag.
These are the Quinoa Bean Burritos. Cheri made her burritos with rice instead. You can substitute when you feel the need to accommodate your family's preferences.
They bring a cooler to transport the freezer meals home after they are all complete.
10 plus meals for their families. You can break down the meals to fit the size of your family too.
I love freezer meal workshops - easy to do and meals are just a freezer away!
Baked Chicken Chimichangas
Grilled Flank Steak with Pineapple Salsa
Honey Balsamic Pork Roast
Honey Teriyaki Vegetable Stir Fry
Quinoa Bean Burritos
Hummus Crusted Chicken
Smokin Chipolte Burgers
Stuffed Apricot Pork Tenderloin
Sweet & Sassy Shrimp
Sweet Mustard Bacon Burger
Everyone buys the Tastefully Simple Products, I give them the list for grocery shopping, they come with all the ingredients ready to prepare the meals. Each meal goes into a freezer bag.
They have the bags labeled and the meat needed for the meal in a freezer bag before coming to the workshop. We work directly in the bag and seal it up.
They are making the chimichangas here
They bring a cooler to transport the freezer meals home after they are all complete.
10 plus meals for their families. You can break down the meals to fit the size of your family too.
I love freezer meal workshops - easy to do and meals are just a freezer away!
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Tastefully Simple fun
Today I am at a local mall working as vendor fair selling Tastefully Simple. It was kinda of slow for sales today, but I did get to talk with some ladies and made some new contacts.
I have been a consultant for about a year. The lady I signed up under told me "date if for awhile and see if you like it". Well, I like it and will continue to sell the products.
I really enjoy the flexibility - I can do as many parties or events that I want. I can make it work in my family's schedule. There have been a couple of months that are just not good for me with other activities and I have been able to coast through those months.
I really enjoy doing the fundraiser type parties and seeing the hostess get the profits to put toward her organization of choice. I also enjoy doing the freezer meal workshops as they are very easy and quick. How could you not like getting 10 freezer meals prepared in less than an hour.
They are easy and very good.
Do you use Tastefully Simple and if so what is your favorite product?
Monday, April 20, 2015
Simple things in life ....
Today Christal had speech at a local school and it had rained most of the night. It was still drizzling when we went to speech this morning.
She loves the rain and has NO problem standing outside in it. Me on the other can't stand getting wet like that at all. So needless to say we have lots of discussions about getting inside quickly. I lose most of the time :)
Today on our way out she noticed "worms" and got very excited. We counted the worms as we walked - very slowly - back to our car. We counted 32 worms. She enjoyed squatting down to look them over.
You have to look very closely to see the worm. It's on the lower right 1/4 of the picture.
At one point the janitor came over to make sure I wasn't having car problems. I explained that we were checking out the worms. He laughed and told Christal to have a great day.
The simple things in life - worm hunting!
Sunday, April 12, 2015
Our precious Aubree....
This is Aubree Isabella my oldest sons' little girl. She is "1" and we adore her!
Tickle Tickle Giggle Giggle
Aubree loves to dump and pick up
Stacking the blocks - love her red hair
She will sit and try to make it work
Her favorite chair
Playtime with daddy
Tickle Tickle Giggle Giggle
You caught me
Aubree loves to dump and pick up
Stacking the blocks - love her red hair
Determined that they will stick together
Where is Aubree? She loves to empty the toy cabinet and play in it.
Here I am ! Cute as ever!
Saturday, April 11, 2015
Slow down day....

But today I was looking forward to just doing what I wanted when I wanted and if I wanted.
Started my day out with sleeping in late, ready my devotions, through a load of laundry in, then off to breakfast at my favorite coffee shop (I don't drink coffee - just chai tea lattes) with my husband. We take our computers and work on our blogs, websites, and other fun stuff.
I have been surfing through several of my favorite blogs, catching up on emails, and writing posts for my own blog.
This afternoon I plan on finishing reading the first book in the Outlander Series. It is due back to the library tomorrow. My husband will probably add that I will take a nap at some point too.
I will have to at some point think about what we will have for dinner... or not :)
I will admit as I sit here I keep thinking of things I need to do or work on and have opened a spreadsheet to make a to do list..
What are you doing today?
Thursday, April 2, 2015
Some of my favorite things about Spring
1. Birds chirping and making new nests. My mom and I have played the "who sees the first robin game". I will say I have won the past 3 years!
3. Spring cleaning - each year I create a list for each room (very detailed) and work one room at a time.
I have a box of garbage, donations, and doesn't belong here that I use.
4. Purging the house - I go through clothes, bookcases, and stuff in storage. If it hasn't been used in or worn in 6 months it goes! Only exceptions are things that maybe we use once a year for a holiday or event. Kids don't like this process very much.
5. Open the windows and let the fresh air in! Love the smell of fresh crisp air flowing through the house.
What do you like about spring?
Thursday, January 8, 2015
Word for the year...
Have you ever picked a "word" for the year? I had done it a few years back, however, it wasn't really me who picked the word and it didn't happen until the middle of the year.
The word was Gratitude and it came to me in several ways - I truly believe God was indirectly putting this word in my head over and over. It was a tough year for me and it was a year that I learned to be grateful no matter what came my way.
This year I decided I would pick a word - " commitment" - definition - the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity. I was excited to pick this word for myself. I was feeling like I was constantly on the move and not getting things completed the way they should be.
I work with the kids at our church in the 4th & 5th grade department and finally at the end of December (after I picked my word) pulled out the curriculum for January. And what is the theme of the month? "Commitment" - making a plan and putting it into practice. I just sat there and looked at the packet thinking what is God up to this year. I look forward to what God will be teaching the kids this month on commitment and what I can put into action in my own life.
I have made a few lists of things that I felt needed some commitment on my part and will be working through them this year. As I come across them I will share them with you.
1. Make time for my quiet times with God
2. Get back into the routine of going to the Quarry Coffee Shop for my time to work on blog, church, read, or whatever I want to get done
3. Work on my blog and post at least a couple times a week.
4. ..........
So what is your "word" for 2015?
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Having a off day?
Having an off day not a day off - you know the kind of day that you just feel down or crabby.
I could ask if you have ever had an off day? But that would just be silly, we all have them at sometime or another.
I had a off day this past week and I couldn't figure out why. It was very frustrating to me because I had no idea why I was feeling the way I was. I just wanted to curl up and go back to bed. That was not an option however. So I had struggled for an hour or so and as I thought about what was bugging me I realized I had several options to pick myself up and get out of the mood I was in.
The question is how do you handle it when you have an "off - day"?
I could ask if you have ever had an off day? But that would just be silly, we all have them at sometime or another.
I had a off day this past week and I couldn't figure out why. It was very frustrating to me because I had no idea why I was feeling the way I was. I just wanted to curl up and go back to bed. That was not an option however. So I had struggled for an hour or so and as I thought about what was bugging me I realized I had several options to pick myself up and get out of the mood I was in.
- I prayed and asked God to help me get through the day and opened my Bible to see what he would give me for the day
- I turned on Christian music and blasted it
- I told myself I was going to choose joy today (that was something I had learned from a pastors wife years ago)
- I decided to make a to do list and check it off as I moved through my day
The question is how do you handle it when you have an "off - day"?
Friday, September 19, 2014
Busier now than before....
Someone once said that when you have kids you will be very busy all the time. When they grow up you will be looking for things to do with all your time.
Well, I must be doing something wrong .... I really think at times I am busier now that the boys have grown up then when they were younger.
This week was very busy...
Well, I must be doing something wrong .... I really think at times I am busier now that the boys have grown up then when they were younger.
This week was very busy...
- Grocery shopping and meal planning
- Fed geckos (my husbands -side business Supreme Gecko)
- Playing with my Granddaughter
- Bible study started
- Doctor apt for granddaughter
- Working my Tastefully Simple business
- Cleaning kitchen at church
- Awana (leader for Cubbies)
- Fed geckos
- Day at my favorite coffee shop (Quarry Coffee)
- Meeting for ladies retreat
- Laundry, cooking, and cleaning
- Fed geckos
- Emcee for Senior Lunch at church
- Preparing for Sunday School for the 4th & 5th graders
- Fed geckos
- Shopping
- and everyday I have daycare from 6:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. and again at 3:40p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Saturday, August 23, 2014
Random thoughts and things....
Random thoughts and things
1. I can't believe the summer is over and the kids start school in a week or so. This means I am back to part -time daycare. I do look forward to seeing the kids again.
2. Did a bunch of laundry today - finding a whole group of things that were never worn by my son and in the wash again. What's with that?
3. I wonder how many geckos we fed today?
4. I just heard this rumble and thought maybe it was thunder and realized no it is my stomach! Time for dinner or a handful of popcorn maybe.
5. Trying to figure out who I am going to choose for the ALS ice bucket challenge. I will be doing it later today.
6. Loving listening to new Mercy Me cd.
7. Working on setting up Tastefully Simple Freezer meal workshop and getting really hungry.
8. Keep thinking of the things I didn't get done this summer and need to add to my to - do - list.
9. Thinking how blessed we are with our family. Love the grandgirls!
10. Gusgus is snoring and I would like a nap too.
11. Read some of my favorite blogs today.
12. Enjoying pictures my sisters are posting from their Alaskan Cruise.
13. My to-do-list is getting big !
14. Worked on my stuff for my Sunday school class. I am very excited about the penpal program we are starting up.
Thanks for listening to me ramble!
1. I can't believe the summer is over and the kids start school in a week or so. This means I am back to part -time daycare. I do look forward to seeing the kids again.
2. Did a bunch of laundry today - finding a whole group of things that were never worn by my son and in the wash again. What's with that?
3. I wonder how many geckos we fed today?
4. I just heard this rumble and thought maybe it was thunder and realized no it is my stomach! Time for dinner or a handful of popcorn maybe.
5. Trying to figure out who I am going to choose for the ALS ice bucket challenge. I will be doing it later today.
6. Loving listening to new Mercy Me cd.
7. Working on setting up Tastefully Simple Freezer meal workshop and getting really hungry.
8. Keep thinking of the things I didn't get done this summer and need to add to my to - do - list.
9. Thinking how blessed we are with our family. Love the grandgirls!
10. Gusgus is snoring and I would like a nap too.
11. Read some of my favorite blogs today.
12. Enjoying pictures my sisters are posting from their Alaskan Cruise.
13. My to-do-list is getting big !
14. Worked on my stuff for my Sunday school class. I am very excited about the penpal program we are starting up.
Thanks for listening to me ramble!
Monday, July 28, 2014
Facebook before God's Book?
You opened
before God's book today?
How is your day going? Are you frustrated, feeling anxious, or just getting by? Do you feel like you can handle anything that comes your way? Did you find encouragement and guidance for your day on Facebook that will get you through anything during the day?
I am not saying Facebook is bad I just think that many of us get up in the morning and grab our phone, notepad, or go on the computer before we think about it. I know my day does not go as smoothly when I have done this.
God's word and time with Him at the beginning of your day is so much better than starting your day with Facebook. When I start my day with God first I feel like I can do or handle anything! I have confidence that he is with me and I look to him for help throughout my day.
Here is a great verse to start your day:
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding…”
- Proverbs 3:5
Think about it - if you do not go to God first I challenge you to
before God's book today?
How is your day going? Are you frustrated, feeling anxious, or just getting by? Do you feel like you can handle anything that comes your way? Did you find encouragement and guidance for your day on Facebook that will get you through anything during the day?
I am not saying Facebook is bad I just think that many of us get up in the morning and grab our phone, notepad, or go on the computer before we think about it. I know my day does not go as smoothly when I have done this.
God's word and time with Him at the beginning of your day is so much better than starting your day with Facebook. When I start my day with God first I feel like I can do or handle anything! I have confidence that he is with me and I look to him for help throughout my day.
Here is a great verse to start your day:
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding…”
- Proverbs 3:5
Think about it - if you do not go to God first I challenge you to
- start your day in prayer asking him to guide you through the day
- read a few verses - you don't know where to start? Google verses to start my day, or open your Bible and randomly pick a verse
- keep a journal of verses and prayers including answered prayers
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